Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bellato Federation

The Bellato Union utilizes machines and some magic in their culture. Renowned for their great mechanical minds, intelligence, and hand-eye coordination, the Bellato can construct huge armored battle mechs and weapons to use in the war. Though they are physically strong and intelligent, the huge gravitational energies from their home planet have left the Bellato with smaller builds. The Bellato are experienced traders and their financial minds and greed have driven the need to extend out to other planets, to colonize and claim resources. To expand to the rest of the universe, the Bellato have to ensure that the Novus sector doesn't fall under the supremacy of the Accretia or Cora. This desire to expand and grow will no doubt leave the galaxy engulfed in turmoil and chaos.
The Bellato are the tinkers of the RF Online universe. Though small in stature, they make up for it by building powerful mechs which can be customized thanks to various hardpoints. While slow, these mechs can dish out formidable amounts of firepower.

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